Composite Mat
Protecting the Liner from Above
In public installations the risk from above is greater than from below. But swimming ponds, too, have entry areas which are more exposed to stresses than other parts. Where extreme loads occur and on gently sloping underwater banks, Fleece900 is better suitable, but has to be covered with a lot of sand or concrete. It is easier to use the composite mat that creates a rock hard shell.
If you want good safety, lay out the whole pond with composite mat. By coating it with mortar...
In public installtions visitors poke at the liner with walking sticks and umbrellas. Kids throw metal rods and bicycles into the water. Protection is also needed from above against this risk of vandalism. In most private gardens this risk is rather low. Here the risk of heavy dog paws can pose a problem for the liner.
Optically, the composite mat and the NaturaGart shore mat are similar. It is not needled onto fleece, however, but onto green PVC liner. It can therefore be glued to the PVC liners as a sort of mortar carrier. This is easiest in mew ponds. The  surface of loose fibres is coated with mortar. 
NaturaGart Composite Mat
Roll cutoffs, only complete metres VM 100 1m wide
VM 200 2m wide

Please order the composite mat directly in the NaturaGart Shop
Paints for 5 and 5m², light or dark brown, blue*, green*
*use white mortar

Fibres for thicker layers on steps
for 5 and 25m²

Paints and Fibres
are available at the NaturaGart Shop