Installing a Liner

Often this is totally over-estimated. Sometimes fear is fueled by those who earn a lot of money for a few minutes of work to install a liner...

Labour Requirements
We suggest that you try to arrange for one helper for every 100m² of liner that is to be laid. If you plan to install the liner outside normal business hours, you can get a hotline number should you need any help.

Kickoff: Small differences in height are levelled out with sand, sand and clay can be excavated like this
Next step: Fleece is laid into the excavation. This comes in handy rolls of 30 kilos max.

A Staring Point is Agreed
We agree on a place that you can easily reach with your liner. We then produce he liner in such a way that it can simply be rolled out from that point. Fits perfectly!
No Experience Required!
Even if you change the starting point in the meantime things can be arranged.

This large liner weighs about a ton. It is supplied on a palet...
...and unpacked at the agreed spot. After each rotation is becomes easier to roll out.
Decide on an Unrolling Direction
The liner is rolled up like a snail shell. Place the pallet at the agreed spot so that the liner can be unrolled in the right direction. With made to measure liners this is always perpendicular to the axis of measurement.
So that nothing can go wrong the rolling direction is also indicated by an arrow on the liner.
The 'snail shell' is unrolled in the desired direction...

The the strip of liner lies on the shore or, if so agreed, perpendicular to the excavation.

Unfolding the Liner
On top the open end of the liner can be seen. Measure the length of this final strip. The measurement should match that needed at the other end of the pond. Then you know that everything fits! Pull the open end of the liner across the excavation toward the other side. 
Simply pull the liner apart from the open end.
The layers lie on top of each other in a zig-zag form.
Correcting Creases
Steep banks will produce larger creases in the corners. We do not recommend that these be cut open ans then glued, because water pressure and ground settling make this risky. There are tricks you can use to make these creases less evident. If creases pose a problem for you, you should request our construction site service.
Lengthwise and transversal creases can easily be pulled apart later on.
A good excavation geometry will leave only few, inconspicuous creases in the corners.
These images taken with a construction site camera show the timing of the installation of a 750m² liner for a 500m² swimming pond. If you have arranged for the suggested number of helpers (one for every 100m²), the time required in most ponds is 5-10 minutes per 100m² of liner.
10:00 am: Laying of 750m² fleece begins
3:57 pm: The 750m² liner is pulled apart.