A short distance from the Park there are sandstone quarries from where NaturaGart obtains the stones for the many walls in the Park. For the higher walls, a crane places the stones that weigh between 100 and 400 kilos. Higher walls are much wider than they appear and a layer of gravel behind them provides for extra stability.
The walls are an ideal roosts for hundreds newts and toads.
Luscious pads of plants grow in the gaps in the natural stone walls.
With little soil only low growing specialists thrive.
With a little more available soil, plants such as wall-pepper grow.
In the stone gaps anemones thrive for many years.
The stone garden daffodils are a bit more sensitive.
Pads of loose plants thrive in larger gaps...
...and over time grow into large stocks.
In shady places we have planted ferns, such as this wall-rue.