NaturaGart Plant Assortments for the Pond Surroundings
The goal is to harmoniously integrate the pond into its surroundings. Land perennials and woody plants are more or less well suited for this purpose. We have prepared several assortments for you from a variety of planting recommendations. We supply them - including a planting plan - right to your doorstep.
Whether you want to have an unobstructed view of your pond or you need a privacy shield to the neighbours, here you will find the right land plant assortments.

The special advantage is that you can inconspicuously build the suction barrier with more safety reserve. We have selected the plants in such a way that the leaves go over the edge of the liner from the land side.

Many assortments are supplied with a special mixture of seed that will fill the gaps that may remain in the first year, alleviating the weed problem, too.
Perennials and woody plants embed the pond in the garden so as to produce a harmonious unity.

Perennial Assortment
Low Pond Surroundings
Position: e.g. between terrace and pond, path and pond, and so on. Everywhere you want an unobstructed view of the pond. Grow 10-30cm in height.
At a planting depth of 30cm, requirements are:
3-4 plants per metre shore length.
You can choose between assortments for sunny or (partially) shady areas.

Details and further assortments can be found here: NaturaGart Pond Construction Shop Section: Pond Plants

Sunny: Carpathian harebell cover the ground
Shady: Saxifrage with bright flowers

Perennial Assortment
Semi-high Pond Surroundings
Position: Lateral areas of the pond, preferably in front of higher perennials and woody plants, about 30-80cm high. These size plants make for the most impressive flower bed plantings.
At a planting depth of 50cm, requirements are:
2-3 plants per metre shore.

Details and further assortments can be found here: NaturaGart Pond Construction Shop Section: Pond Plants

Sunny: Many species form attractive panicles.
Shady: Many variations of large leaved hosta.
Perennial Assortment
High Pond Surroundings
Position: Areas behind the pond or as privacy shield. These plants grow to be 1-2m high and produce many flowers.
At a planting depth of 1m, requirements are:
1-2 plants per metre.

Details and further assortments can be found here: NaturaGart Pond Construction Shop Section: Pond Plants
Sunny: The large mallow flowers are very impressive.
Shady: Large leaved, high growing perennials characterise the pond.
Grass and bamboo for you pond surroundings
Tall grass continues the pond vegetation into the surroundings - the pond landscape seems much larger this way.
We supply several assortments of different heights.

Find grass assortments here: NaturaGart Pond Construction Shop Section: Pond Plants
Grass reflects in the pond.
Bamboo suits the pond very well.
Woody Plants for Your Pond Surroundings
Flowery shrubs, such as Azalea and and Rhododendron are ideal. Many species are evergreen so that they hardly litter the pond with leaves.

Other species, such as the kalopanax, only have about a dozen leaves, each of which is about a metre long - they are easy to clear away.

Woody plants for your pond surroundings can be found here: NaturaGart Pond Construction Shop Section: Pond Plants
Azalea and rhododendron: In May-June the pond shore brightens up with their colours.
Kalopanax are about 3-5m high and have very large leaves.