NaturaGart Information |
Please note that currently the catalogue and all printed documentation is only available in German.
Catalogue 2014 |
Information about ponds, streams, plants, seeds, greenhouses etc. The catalogue will be sent free of charge. If you do not have to have a customer account: just put the catalogue into your shopping basket, go to checkout and mark the option 'purchase without registering'. We only need a destination address.
Order your free copy of the catalogue: Order the NaturaGart Catalogue.
You will also find the manual "Exemplary Garden Ponds" which has already aided more than 180,000 pond builders. Read about how ponds work - only then will you build yours correctly!
Topics covered are:
- Recommendations for Constructing a Pond
- Frameworks for Stability
- The Sections of a Pond
- Streams and Waterfalls
- Filtration Technology
- Animals and Plants
Order the NaturaGart Manual 'Exemplary Garden Ponds'.
This book was the company's starting point: In the mid 80s a fish feed company asked the editor to write a book about garden ponds. However, the manuscript was rejected. The reason: 'If all readers build ponds like these, the ponds will be stable by themselves, and no-one will need our chemicals...'
With the cancellation fees the first edition was printed. By 2007, 17 more editions followed, totalling more than 180,000 sold books.
After several revisions the book now has 256 pages and about 800 colour photos of gardens, many of NaturaGart customers'.
Use the 'Pond Planer' if you haven't decided on placement and size of your pond.
If you would like a further planing aid, you will find the fundamentals in the 'Pond Planer'. Important topics are explained step by step. Several alternatives are presented and rated for each decision. As a result you get several options for the common plot layouts. It includes a large cut-out sheet with many pond shapes and surrounding elements such as piers, bridges, etc.
64 pages, about 100 designs and a large cut-out sheet
Order the NaturaGart Manual 'Pond Planer'.
Or simply choose the special offer Exemplary Garden Ponds + Pond Planer + Pocket Calendar at a discount price.
The Pond Starter Package
Exemplary Garden Ponds + Pond Planer + Garden calendar
with dates for sowing, flowering, animal migrations etc.
Order the NaturaGart special offer: manuals + pocket calendar.
Ordering and other information at the NaturaGart Pond Construction Shop