Manuals |
NaturaGart's construction manuals are unsurpassed in detail!
The generally available book on garden ponds doesn't contain building instructions for a reason. It shows how ponds work and helps you in your decision which pond to build. The actual construction manuals are only available for those who have decided to build their pond with NaturaGart.
In order to prevent abuse, we charge a fee that is later deducted from your material purchases.
These are the most important construction manuals for ponds. Currently they are only available in German. |
This is how we deduct the fees:
Ponds Workbook
as from ponds with 2.5 x 3.5m surface
Ponds Workbook and Swimming Pond Manuals
as from a pond with with 3.5 x 7.5m surface
Biological Water Treatment
against pipes and dam-conduit
Pond Plants
as from 15 pond plants
Streams, Springs, Water Features
as from the smallest stream pump and about 3m pipe
This Makes Things Fair
There are always people who come here looking for detailed assistance and who then go and buy a cheap liner elsewhere. We feel misused by this kind of practice, because even market leaders can't give things away. In the end, the honest customers end up having to pay.
We've been doing this for 20 years.
You tell us what you want to build.
We work out for you how much it'll cost. You decide whether you want to buy from NaturaGart.
If you are still not sure:
Search Google for 'NaturaGart' and you'll find thousands of links, many of them to our customers' testimonials.
If you have decided to build with NaturaGart
Request the manuals that you need. When you purchase your materials from us, they turn out to be free - the full fees are deducted from the purchase price.
If you decide otherwise: Transfer the fees and purchase elsewhere. |
Fees are deducted
If you are NaturaGart customer the fees are invoiced with two months time for payment. Most will have built by then - the fees become obsolete - you pay nothing.
If we do not know you,
we collect on delivery or debit your account, if you so wish.
Delivery to foreign countries is normally only possible with prepayment.
If you have to delay the construction of your pond: No problem! The fees can be deducted up to 5 years later. |