The Budget |
The Aim: A Lot of Pond for Little Money
If you have your pond built for you, you may be surprised at the price tags of the pond construction firm.
For many, the dream of the own pond ends here. Some build smaller than originally intended, others become guinea pigs for badly thought out 'home-brew' solutions.
Again others build with NaturaGart. They profit from low prices and a well thought out do-it-yourself concept.
The Pool of Information
Behind the NaturaGart network stand the experiences of tens of thousands of pond builders.
In the past 3 decades, they were individually counselled during their pond building project. These experiences are systematically evaluated and made available. This helps to significantly bring the costs down.
The cost for each part of the construction of a swimming pond as compared to the DIY solution can be found here
 NaturaGart pilots you through your pond's construction phase, ensuring speedy and smooth completion. |
The costs for your pond depend largely on its size and intended use. If, for example, you invest three times the money in your swimming pond, the surface area grows ten times! The smaller the pond, the higher its relative price.
Another determining factor is the selection of the sealing, because nearly anything may be sold as pond liner. You can hence save the right way, reducing building costs without risk. But you can also save the wrong way and reduce your pond's durability. If you would like to know where you can save how much:
Click the corresponding entries in the left hand menu. |
Pricing Examples for Complete Natural Ponds
For smaller ponds we often supply the complete sets. The price includes liner, plants, manuals, pond seed and transport. Fleece and shore mats are available for the corresponding surcharge. This kind of pond, like all natural ponds, will slowly age and has to be cleaned out at some point.
If you want to keep fish or swim in your pond, you may prefer to opt for one of the ponds with a filtering trench.
You can order ponds configured exactly like these here.
This is how you get your complete pond:
When you order one of these ponds we immediately send you the Pond Workbook with the manuals, example profiles etc. Liner, fleece and shore mat arrive after 1-3 days. You do the corresponding excavation, place the liner and spread out the sand. Fill the pond with water to the rim. Call us and give us your pond's serial number. We will then send you your plants.
If you are not quite sure if the liner fits:
You can also get the manuals first, excavate, check and then request the materials.
NaturaGart Pond Construction Shop
Complete Pond #1
This is he smallest pond with a more or less stable biological equilibrium. With about 30m² of liner you get approximately 8m² of water surface and 70cm depth.
This size pond is only stable for a few years. You would have to remove part of the ground sludge to ensure safe wintering depth for animals.
The complete set includes:
- 30m² liner
you can choose between rectangular or L-shaped.
- 50 portions of pond plants
- 1 x pond seed, 10 x initial fertiliser
- Manual
- Transport to your property
(inside Germany)
Prices depending on type of liner:
NaturaGart Black
1mm 252.00 Euros
NaturaGart Green
1mm 334.00 Euros
NaturaGart Green
1.4mm 428.00 Euros
NaturaGart Pond Construction Shop
Complete Pond #2
60% more liner - but 120% more water surface! This makes maintenance much easier than Pond #1.
Water depth is about 1m, so it takes 10 or more years before you have to remove the sludge for the first time. While in Pond #1 biological equilibrium is temporary, Pond #2 reaches a very stable biological equilibrium. From this size onward smaller stocks of fish can safely survive in winter.
The complete set includes:
- 48m² pond liner
you can choose between rectangular or L-shaped.
- 75 portions of pond plants
- 2 x pond seed, 15 x initial fertiliser
- Manual
- Transport to your property
(inside Germany)
Prices depending on type of liner:
NaturaGart Black
1mm 393.00 Euros
NaturaGart Green
1mm 519.00 Euros
NaturaGart Green
1.4mm 669.00 Euros
NaturaGart Pond Construction Shop
Complete Pond #3
This pond has a water surface of over 40m² and is about 1m deep. This size has some decisive advantages:
Many pond inhabitants, such as the water frog, are always afraid of herons and storks. Small, shallow ponds offer them too little safety - they go away. From 30-40m² you can count on rarer and more timid water animals setting up their homes in your pond.
Also: this pond only costs about 65% more than Pond #2. The water surface is more than twice as large and you get nearly twice the number of pond plants.
The complete set includes:
- 80m² pond liner
you can choose between rectangular or L-shaped.
- 125 portions of pond plants
- 3 x pond seed, 25 x initial fertiliser
- Manual
- Transport to your property
(inside Germany)
Prices depending on type of liner:
NaturaGart Black
1mm 656.00 Euros
NaturaGart Green
1mm 867.00 Euros
NaturaGart Green
1.4mm 1,099.00 Euros |
NaturaGart Pond Construction Shop
Complete Pond #4
The pond for dedicated friends of nature and garden. Water surface grows by 70% to about 70m², even though the costs are only 40% higher - this is the advantage of the favourable use of liner. This size of pond and length of shore allows for many additional design options:
Peninsulas, bays, larger spawning areas for frogs, larger areas of reed.
The complete set includes:
- 120m² pond liner
you can choose between rectangular or L-shaped.
- 150 portions of pond plants
- 3 x pond seed, 30 x initial fertiliser
- Manual
- Transport to your property
(inside Germany)
Prices depending on type of liner:
NaturaGart Black
1mm 899.00 Euros
NaturaGart Green
1mm 1,199.00 Euros
NaturaGart Green
1.4mm 1,568.00 Euros
NaturaGart Pond Construction Shop
Complete Pond #5
This is really a small lake: Large surface area of water, extended area of reed on the shore, a belt of swimming plants wit water lilies and other species, hidden bays, projecting sand banks - this pond turns your garden into a park.
Costs increase by 40%, water surface, however, by 60% (nearly 120m²).
The complete set includes:
- 180m² pond liner
you can choose between rectangular or L-shaped.
- 175 portions of pond plants
- 4 x pond seed, 35 x initial fertiliser
- Manual
- Transport to your property
(inside Germany)
Prices depending on type of liner:
NaturaGart Black
1mm 1,244.00 Euros
NaturaGart Green
1mm 1,698.00 Euros
NaturaGart Green
1.4mm 2,268.00 Euros
NaturaGart Pond Construction Shop
Examples of Prices for Fish and Swimming Ponds with Filtering Trench
These ponds are usually somewhat larger. Continuous removal of sediment is required. The mud on the ground is stirred up by fishes and swimmers which makes for poor water quality.
Such ponds have an adjacent trench that acts as a natural filter and in many cases is completely sufficient for filtration.
Swimming Pond #1
Rather short, more like a sauna dipping basin
only about 1,800.00 Euros
Set contains
about 110m² liner
NaturaGart Green, 1mm, 4m³ pump, dam duct, pump well, pressure tube + pressure ducts 1.5"(5m), 4"(5m), various connectors, etc.
125 portions of pond plants,
Additionally recommended:
Fleece900: 556.40 Euros
Shore mat: 127.60 Euros
NaturaGart Pond Construction Shop
about these pond examples
Any Shape is Possible
These fish and swimming ponds aren't 'special offers'. They are calculation examples applicable to all ponds of this size.
Drawings are therefore only design examples.
The ponds could be a completely different shape.
The filtering trenches are included in the price, and can also be located nearly anywhere.
Swimming Pond #2
Where these is no more room for a larger pond in a small garden.
only about 2,050.00 Euros
Set contains:
about 135m² liner
NaturaGart Green, 1mm,
6m³ pump, dam duct, pump well, pressure tube and duct 1.5" (5m), 4" (5m), various small items and
150 portions of pond plants,
Additionally recommended:
Fleece900: 684.80 Euros
Shore mat: 150.80 Euro
NaturaGart Pond Construction Shop
about these pond examples
Liner: NaturaGart Green 1mm
For a surcharge you can get a thicker liner or you can opt for a lesser quality which is quite a lot cheaper.
You can also opt for a completely different type of liner (PE, EPDM). These, however, make the construction of the dam duct to the filtering trench more complicated.
The price given here is what most customers decide to go for.
Swimming Pond #3
From this size on the pond starts getting fun
only about 2,750.00 Euros
Set contains:
about 180m² liner
NaturaGart Green, 1mm,
8m³ pump, suction collector, dam duct, pump well, pressure tube and duct 2" (5m), 3" (10m), various small items and
150 portions of pond plants,
Additionally recommended:
Fleece900: 930.90 Euros
Shore mat: 185.60 Euros
NaturaGart Pond Construction Shop
Information about these pond examples
Pumps and Filtering Technology
The cost of the filtering trench are included, as are the connection fittings, pipes, etc. You can opt for an internal or external pump well. External pump wells cause a bit more work to build but aren't much more expensive - they do, however, comply with the VDE safety guidelines. In small ponds it is also possible to use a 12V pump.
Swimming Pond #4
Additional length does fit in most gardens
only about 3,150.00 Euros
Set contains:
about 225m² liner
NaturaGart Green, 1mm,
8m³ pump, suction collector, dam duct, pump well, pressure tube and duct 2" (5m), 3" (12m), various small items and
225 portions of pond plants,
Additionally recommended:
Fleece900: 1,160.80 Euros
Shore mat: 232.00 Euros
NaturaGart Pond Construction Shop
Information about these pond examples
Fleece to Protect the Liner
Fleece is not included in the basic price, because each at construction site decision as to whether it is required differs.
We aways recommend the extremely tough NaturaGart-Fleece900
The surcharge for the corresponding pond size is given in the third column.
Swimming Pond #5
Your enjoyment grows with the ability to swim more
only about 3,530.00 Euros
Set contains:
about 250m² liner
NaturaGart Green, 1mm,
8m³ pump, suction collector, dam duct, pump well, pressure tube and duct 2" (5m), 3" (14m), various small items and
275 portions of pond plants,
Additionally recommended:
Fleece900: 1,342.85 Euros
Shore mat: 255.20 Euros
NaturaGart Pond Construction Shop
Information about these pond examples
Shore Mats and Composite Mats
In principle it is possible to build the pond without these safety systems. However, we recommend to at least cover the shore with the 65cm shore mat. The price for the corresponding pond perimeter is in the right hand column.
Additionally, it is recommended to use composite mat on the entry areas and any steeps banks. The amount required depends on your willingness to invest in extra security.
Schwimmteich 6
A greater width allows for interesting shore designs.
only about 4,500.00 Euros
Set contains:
about 350m² liner
NaturaGart Green, 1mm,
12m³ pump, suction collector, dam duct, pump well, pressure tube and duct 2" (5m), 3" (16m), various small items and
350 portions of pond plants,
Additionally recommended:
Fleece900: 1,835.05 Euros
Shore mat: 301.60 Euros
NaturaGart Pond Construction Shop
Information about these pond examples
Selection of Pond Plants
The price includes the stated number of potions of pond plants. For many species one portion = one plant. In many other cases, however (for example underwater plants), you get 2-20 plants per portion. You can vary the suggested number of plants any way you like.
Swimming Pond #7
More design possibilities in large gardens
only about 5,000.00 Euros
Set contains:
about 385m² liner
NaturaGart Green, 1mm,
16m³ pump, suction collector, dam duct, pump well, pressure tube and duct 2" (5m), 3" (18m), various small items and
375 portions of pond plants,
Additionally recommended:
Fleece900: 2,027.65 Euros
Shore mat: 324.80 Euros
NaturaGart Pond Construction Shop
Information about these pond examples
What is Not Included
The basic price does not include, of course, the excavation work that has to be arranged locally. Laying down the liner and planting are tasks that the pond owners perform themselves at the construction site. However, the liner is made to measure! Piers and bridges pictured here, are also not part of the basic set of supplies.
Swimming Pond #8
The ideal leisure world for large gardens.
only about 5,800.00 Euros |
Set contains:
about 485m² liner
NaturaGart Green, 1mm,
16m³ pump, suction collector, dam duct, pump well, pressure tube and duct 2" (5m), 3" (18m), various small items and
375 portions of pond plants,
Additionally recommended:
Fleece900: 2,573.35 Euros
Shore mat: 371.20 Euros
NaturaGart Pond Construction Shop