Here we answer frequently asked questions about the construction manuals:
Are the manuals really important?
Is the liner cheaper without the manuals?
Why does only NaturaGart have such detailed instructions?
Does consulting not make the products expensive?
Why do others offer consulting for free?
And if I want to buy the materials elsewhere?
Can the workbook be reimbursed in another way?
For how long can the manuals be reimbursed?
Can I return the manuals?
If I am a new customer and order the manuals without coupons?
Are the manuals not expensive?
Are the manuals really important?
A few years ago we did a survey among our pond customers. Only about every one in one thousand said they could have done the job just as well without the manuals.
For the other 99.9% they were helpful or indispensable.
Is the liner cheaper without the manuals?
No. The expense lies in writing them. If later we produce a folder more has very little influence on the price.
Why does only NaturaGart have such detailed instructions?
Most of our competitors build complete ponds so they aren't interested in offering clients all this information. Same is true for liner dealers.
In the end the service is only affordable because of the large numbers. For only ten clients per year, this expense wouldn't be worth while. However, we have thousands of clients per year.
Does consulting not make the products expensive?
Minimally: The pool of information has been built up over the past 20 years and the most updated version is put together in workbooks. Because of the large numbers printed the cost of each one is not very high.
The pool of information is ultimately financed by those who only buy the manuals.
Everyone can decide whether to be beneficiary or subsidiser. We think this is a fair arrangement.
Why do others offer consulting for free?
No company can do things for free! For the clients this means that they have to pay for those who only scrounge consulting. Our system is fair: If you purchase from NaturaGart, consulting is free. If you don't, you pay a fee and don't make others pay the cost.
And if I want to buy the materials elsewhere?
Then please also get your manuals there. Or you pay the fee and help finance the pool of information and the consulting of those who do purchase from us.
Can the workbook be reimbursed in another way?
No! That is only possible with the products indicated. The computer system does this automatically. If we started arguing about this we'd be administrating a cloud of dust. Because why then shouldn't a manual about streams be reimbursable with pond plants, but not with snowdrops or a rain gutter for a pavilion?
For this reason: Our employees cannot, must not and will not tell you anything else.
For how long can the manuals be reimbursed?
10 years. In extreme cases please contact us (theoretical problem).
Can I return the manuals?
That is not possible. This falls under the same regulations as CDs, DVDs and so on. Opened packaging counts as used and is not returnable.
If I am a new customer and order the manuals without coupons?
Then we supply with prepayment or p.o.d.
Are the manuals not expensive?
Why? If you buy your materials here, they don't cost anything.
If you do not buy your materials here, you can also not get your fee reimbursed. But that is fair because after all you profit from a unique pool of information, which we have compiled together with our customers. That is your contribution to the service. And besides: If you avoid just one mistake, the manuals will have more than paid for themselves.